Xbox Multiplayer

Find the Mac Adress of your Xbox One(s)

  1. Go to Settings -> Network Settings
  2. Go to Advanced Settings. Here you will see your Wired MAC and Wireless MAC
  3. Copy these down, noting the corisponding xbox nickname.

Make an alias for your Xbox One(s)

  1. First check what your dynamicly allocated IP range is.
  • In pfsense go to Services -> DHCP Server. Under General Options you will see a user defined Range.
  • Your static IP mapping must be outside this range.
  • My range was to So I chose to to represent my 4 Xbox Ones.
  1. Make your Alias
  • In pfsense go to Firewall -> Aliases -> Add.
  • In the Name and Discription boxes, type Xbox_Ones.
  • Under Host(s) put each one of your Xbox static IP and name them with your nickname.

Creat the Outbound NAT Mappings

  1. In pfsense, go to Firewall -> NAT -> Outbound.
  2. Click Add (add to the top)
  3. Under Source your type will be Network and Source Network will be the alias you created earlier. Mine was Xbox_Ones.
  4. Change the /24 to /32.
  5. Under Translation, check the box for Static Port.
  6. Under Misc, Give it a discription. I gave it, Xbox Ones.

Make your Xbox Have Static DHCP

  1. With all the Xbox(s) on, In pfSense go to Status -> DHCP Leasing.
  2. Find the corrisponding MAC adress of your xbox in the leases and click Add Static Maping.
  3. Type the corrisponding static IP address for one Xbox in the IP Address field.
  4. Confirm this is the correct MAC Adress, and now name the Xbox in Client IdentifierHostname, and Description.
  5. Repeat for each Xbox.
  6. Save and Continue